
SIMPLE PRESENT: DO/DOES – Usado para o que exatamente?

Este é o meu primeiro post sobre gramática aqui no blog, logo irei começar por algo básico: o Presente Simples.

This is my first post about English Grammar here in the blog, so I’m going to start with something basic: The Simple Present.

Simple Present:
- Expressa ações, fatos habituais do presente, e geralmente vem seguido de expressões como every day, today, tonight, usually, always, entre outras.
•I always eat fish on Mondays.
•They work every day.

- Usamos o presente simples para falar sobre ações que vemos em longo prazo ou permanente. Este é um tempo verbal bem comum e também muito importante.
We use the present simple to talk about actions we see as long term or permanent. It is a very common and very important tense.

- Aqui, é usado para falar de ações regulares ou eventos.
Here, we are talking about regular actions or events.
•They drive to the office every day.
•She doesn't come here very often.
•The news usually starts at 6.00 every evening.
•Do you usually have bacon and eggs for breakfast?

Para falar de fatos:
To talk about facts
•We have two children.
•Water freezes at 0° C or 32° F.
•What does this expression mean?

Aqui usamos para falar de fatos futuros, geralmente encontrados em um cronograma ou quadro.
Here, we are talking about future facts, usually found in a timetable or a chart.
•Christmas Day is on  Monday this year.
•The plane leaves at 5.00 tomorrow morning.
•Does the class begin at 10 or 11 this week?

Aqui usamos para falar de pensamentos ou sentimentos no momento da fala. Embora estes sentimentos possam ser de curto prazo, usamos o presente simples, e não o presente contínuo.
Here, we are talking about our thoughts and feelings at the time of speaking. Although these feelings can be short-term, we use the present simple and not the present continuous.

•They don't ever agree with us.
•I think you are right.
•She doesn't want you to do it.
•Do you understand what I am trying to say?

Exercícios sobre o Simple Present:

Exercício 1
Exercício 2

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