
Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs: What are they for?

Phrasal verbs are used with a huge frequency by all native English speakers, and it's very common. It’s impossible to speak or understand English without using them. Sometimes you can only express yourself through them. In many cases, there is a simple word that can describe the action, but a native English speaker will use a phrasal verb instead. For example, if you are studying Math with an American friend, and you are tired of trying to solve an exercise, you could say: I desist. Maybe there's a chance he won't understand you. The word desist exists in English but it is hardly used. Instead of saying desist, you must say: I give up. This phrasal verb expresses exactly what you want to say. Sometimes, there's an idea that can only be expressed by a phrasal verb and no other word can substitute it with the same meaning.

There are thousands of phrasal verbs, and it’s impossible to know and memorize all of them. But it's pretty sure that you will learn with the frequency that you use them. There are some listed below that you can find very often and everywhere.
- to look after: cuidar de;
- to look at: olhar para;
- to look for: procurar;
- to get away: fugir;
- to get away with: livrar-se;
- to get back: voltar;
- to get down: descer, baixar;
- to get off: descer (do trem, do ônibus);
- to get out: sair;
- to get over: recuperar-se (de doença, de um problema);
- to get to: chegar;
- to get up: levantar, subir

Well, that's it.Whatever you want to say there's a phrasal verb to translate it. And if you use them, you'll just sound more natural in your speech.
Well, it still doesn't make sense for you?
Watch this video for further information.It's a video class about Phrasal verbs. ;)

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